MR Physical Therapy vs Traditional Physical Therapy

September 15, 2021

MR Physical Therapy vs Traditional Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is an important process that helps people recover from injuries, surgeries, or even chronic conditions. In this blog post, we'll compare two types of physical therapy: the traditional physical therapy, and its latest counterpart, the Mixed Reality (MR) physical therapy.

Traditional Physical Therapy

Traditional physical therapy involves a therapist, a patient, and a treatment plan. The therapist evaluates the patient's condition and designs a custom treatment plan that caters to their specific needs. Most of the exercises are performed using equipment or devices, such as resistance bands or weights. Patients come to the therapist's office multiple times a week for the duration of the treatment, and the therapist provides constant feedback and adjustments to the exercise routine.

According to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), traditional physical therapy can be highly effective for patients with certain conditions, such as chronic back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and rotator cuff tears. It's also a cost-effective way of addressing these conditions, as it can reduce the need for expensive surgeries and medications.

However, traditional physical therapy has some limitations. Patients often become bored or demotivated with repetitive exercises, and the need to travel to the therapist's office multiple times a week can be inconvenient for some. In addition, the therapist's feedback might be subjective and rely on their observation skills, which can lead to inconsistencies and mistakes.

MR Physical Therapy

Mixed Reality (MR) physical therapy combines traditional physical therapy with the latest advances in technology, specifically the development of MR headsets. The MR headset creates a virtual environment that immerses the patient in a 3D world, allowing them to perform exercises and interact with objects in a more engaging and stimulating way.

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, MR physical therapy is as effective as traditional physical therapy in treating conditions such as stroke-related upper limb motor impairments. It can also help increase motivation and engagement in patients, as the virtual environment provides a more enjoyable and interactive experience.

Some MR physical therapy systems also offer real-time feedback and analytics, which can provide therapists with more objective data on their patient's progress. In addition, MR physical therapy can be conducted from the comfort of the patient's home, reducing the need for travel and making it more convenient for some patients.


So which one has the upper hand? As with most things, it depends on the patient's condition, their personal preferences, and their therapist's diagnosis. Traditional physical therapy is still an effective and popular method for treating a wide range of conditions. However, MR physical therapy is an exciting new approach that offers an immersive and engaging experience, and can be just as effective as traditional therapy.


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